
Rising 40 feet into the air at Blacklick Woods, this wide boardwalk loops for an eighth-of-a-mile through the canopy of trees, including maples, beech, shagbark hickory and various oaks. The walk affords fabulous views of the surrounding beech-maple forest and parkland, and is great for birdwatching. An elevator provides easy access to the Canopy Walk, making it ADA accessible for wheelchair users. The boardwalk is also accessible via steps. There is an even higher viewing platform, above the elevator tower, standing 55 feet above the forest floor. Access to the viewing platform is by further steps. There are a total of 99 steps from the forest floor to the top-most viewing platform.

The Canopy Walk also includes features for adventure or relaxation. Navigate the three rope bridges, relax in the hammock-style cargo net, or seek shade or play in the large treehouse, which includes climbing apparatus and a fireman’s pole. The Canopy Walk is completely free to use and is open every day, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. during the months April to September, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. from October through March, except for necessary maintenance and cleaning.

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