
Some of the activities you can enjoy at this park are visiting the Nature Center, viewing aquatic creatures from the boardwalk over the wetlands and Lake Odonata, walking, and photography.  It provides exceptional opportunities for birding and observation of wildlife.  Guided nature walks and other programs are offered throughout the season.

A nature preserve is a living museum. Wahkeena is a fine example of such living history.  This popular outdoor classroom and quiet retreat for nature lovers is located on the southeastern boundary of glaciation in Ohio.  The preserve is home to an abundance of plants and animals typical of the unglaciated Allegheny Plateau.

Twelve of Ohio’s native orchids such as Showy Orchis and Pink Lady’s Slipper and approximately 30 kinds of ferns have been identified.  Wahkeena has rhododendron and flame azalea, state-threatened and state-endangered species respectively.  There are more than 100 species of birds and 35 species of mammals including the pileated woodpecker, numerous warblers, and beaver.  Wetland areas host more than 30 species of amphibians and reptiles and provide excellent viewing for dragonflies and damselflies.  Throughout the year, numerous wildflowers attract a rich assortment of butterflies and moths.

April through October Wed – Sun: 8 am to 4:30 pm Mon – Tue: Closed & November through March. Wahkeena is located on the southeastern boundary of glaciation in Ohio where it hosts an abundance of plants and animals typical of the unglaciated Allegheny Plateau, as well as some glacial relics. The existence of this serene haven is a tribute to the efforts of one woman, Carmen Warner who fell in love with this corner of rural Fairfield County.

Visitors can obtain a seasonal, self-guided trail map of key features along two of the trails.
Boardwalk Trail- a floating boardwalk that loops through the wetlands.
Casa Burro Trail- an interpretive trail, is approximately one mile long and includes part of Shelter Trail.
Shelter Trail- a one-half mile loop interpretive trail.

Learn more about Wahkenna State Nature Preserve.

This park is part of the Fairfield County Park District.

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