- Mini Highland cow photo session from Amanda Lee Photography (www.photosbyamandalee.com)
- Lil Rancher Camp summer passes from Picture Perfect Ranch (www.pictureperfectranchohio.com/summercamp)
- Booze basket from Party Booth digital photo booth (www.bookthepartybooth.com)
- Mini boudoir session and a self-care basket from Amanda Lee Photography (www.photosbyamandalee.com)
- Marketing package from Rising Tide Marketing (www.risingtidemarketingservices.com)
- Highland cow canvases from Amanda Lee Photography (www.photosbyamandalee.com)
- Cherry Street Pub gift card (https://www.facebook.com/CSPFAN)
- Free private tours for up to 10 people from Picture Perfect Ranch (www.pictureperfectranchohio.com/tours)
- Gift certificate from Keeran Property Services (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086898573585)
- TONS of items from our gift shop, including stuffed animals made from alpaca fiber, prints, tumblers, candles, stuffed animals, and more! (www.pictureperfectranchohio.com/giftshop)
- Family pizza package from La Baia Italian Food (https://www.facebook.com/LabaiadeisaporiDiAnajdeMonica)
- Gift basket from WoodWork740 (https://www.facebook.com/WoodWork740/)
- Full set of lashes from Face Made Esthetics (https://www.facebook.com/face.made.esthetics)
- Gift basket from Whiskey Bent Co (https://www.facebook.com/whiskeybentco)
- Gift basket from Shirky’s Pizza Zone (https://www.facebook.com/shirkys)
- Gift basket from Candy Cottage (https://www.facebook.com/candycottage08)