Whether you’re new to crocheting or a veteran to the craft, Keller Market House invites you to join Fathom’s 2nd Annual Yarn Bomb event! Yarn Bombing is a way to make a colorful impact and draw positive attention to a public space!
On April 20th, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m, there will be an introduction to the yarn bomb installation plan and crocheting! Join Keller Market House to learn the basics and create a “granny square”. Take this technique home and crochet like the wind until the next meeting.
On May 18th and June 8th, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m, there will be meet-ups to see how things are going. Bring your supply to continue your crocheting adventure with your fellow yarn lovers. Finally, drop off your finished work to O’huid’s Gaelic Pub or Keller Market House. June 12th is the last day for drop-offs.
On June 15th at 10 a.m, there will be a Yarn Bomb Installation! They are looking for volunteers to help out! Please, let Keller Market House know if you’d like to be a part of the event and they’ll let you know where to meet.
All meeting dates will be held at the Keller Market House! Registration is $10 per person, unless you are a paid Fathom member or a Friend of the Market, then you can register for free! Register here with Fathom: https://fathomartsconsortium.org/events/crochet-yarnbomb
For updates and more information, please visit Keller Market House’s Facebook.