Join the Fairfield County Parks District for a special historical event, Locks of The Ohio Canal at Lockville Canal Park in Carroll.
Before the Ohio Canal, Ohio was the poorest state in the nation. By 1840, Ohio was the third richest! One reason was that farmers could now get their produce as far as New York!
The group will walk to each of the locks in the park – Locks 11, 12, and 13. As the massive block walls tower above you, you can imagine how such a large boat could navigate between them with only inches to spare and learn of the dangers that presented. See a slip shovel and learn how it was used.
Meet in the Picnic Shelter and bring your own drinking water. Potable water is not available at this location. NO RESTROOMS are at available.
Pets are welcome in Lockville Canal Park. They must be under control at all times and on a leash no longer than 6’. For the health and safety of all, pick up and properly dispose of pets’ waste.
For additional information, please visit the Facebook event or fairfieldcountyparks.org
Cover Photo: Irish Canal Workers, 1890s