The Cox - Hunter - Welsh Home.
Art & Culture

Cox – Hunter – Welsh Home: 125 East Wheeling Street


The Zanes sold this lot in 1802 to J. Frederick Pitcher and Hugh Andrews. In 1810 the lot was sold to William Sumner, and it is believed he built a log home on this site.

In 1836 Tunis Cox and his wife, who was the daughter of Hocking Hunter, purchased the cabin and employed Henry Orman to build a Classic Greek Revival home around the original log house.

Hocking Hunter purchased the home in 1865 as a wedding present for his son John, and new bride, Mary. The façade and portico were added by John for his bride, whose family home had a similar façade. Four Doric columns are two stories high to the pediment. Curved window frames were duplicated in the design of the iron fence. The double stone steps and high sandstone wall lead to more steps ascending through the iron gate reflecting a southern influence. The home has five, 55-foot logs in the attic supporting the roof.

In 1872 William L. Martin purchased the home and family members lived there until 1926. One of his daughters, Mary Jane “Mamie,” married Richard Outcalt, the famous originator of the comic strips: Yellow Kid, and Buster Brown.

Dr. Reeseman purchased the home in 1926 and added many improvements, including a mantel that came from the Effinger house when it was torn down.

Dr. Welsh purchased the home in 1962 and lived there until his passing in 2017.

This home is a private residence.

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