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112 E Main St, Lancaster, OH, 43130
“Family” Sculpture
This stainless steel sculpture in downtown Lancaster by Jaiymie Kiggins.
111 N Broad St, Lancaster, OH, 43130
Ancient Minds Sculpture
This sculpture is part of the Downtown Lancaster Sculpture Exhibition, sponsored by Destination Downtown Lancaster in collaboration with area high school art...
124 W Main St, Lancaster, OH, 43130
Be the Light at the End of the Tunnel Sculpture
“Be the Light at the End of the Tunnel” is a sculpture in downtown Lancaster conceived, designed, and modeled by...
103 S Broad St, Lancaster, OH, 43130
Break the Mold: Seasons of Change Sculpture
This sculpture is part of the Downtown Lancaster Sculpture Exhibition, sponsored by Destination Downtown Lancaster in collaboration with area high school art...
103 S Broad St, Lancaster, OH, 43130
Butterfly Transforming Sculpture at Fountain Square
This sculpture is part of the Downtown Lancaster Sculpture Exhibition, sponsored by Destination Downtown Lancaster in collaboration with area high school art...
201 Opportunity Way Pickerington, OH, 43147
Children’s Music Garden
Pickerington Public Library, 201 Opportunity Way, unveiled its outdoor Children’s Music Garden on Wednesday, November 20, 2019. Installed in the...